Our brain is made of billions of cells called neurons. To communicate with each other, neurons use electricity. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment, measuring levels of electricity over areas of the scalp.
The combination of electrical activity of the brain is commonly called a 'Brainwave pattern', because of its cyclic, wave-like nature.
Our mind regulated its activities by means of electric waves which are registered in the brain, emiting tiny electrochemical impulses of varied frequencies, which can be registered by an electroencephalogram (EEG).
With the discovery of brain waves, came the discovery that electrical activity in the brain will change depending on what the person is doing. For instance, the brainwaves of a sleeping person are vastly different than the ones of someone wide awake. Over the years, more sensitive equipment has brought us closer to figuring out exactly what brainwaves represent and with that, what they mean about a person's health and state of mind.
The known brainwaves and their associated mental states are:
- Beta emited when we are consciously alert, or we feel agitated, tense, afraid.
- Alpha when we are in a state of physical and mental relaxation, but aware of what is happening around us.
- Theta which is a state of somnolence with reduced consciusness.
- Delta when there is unconsciousness, deep sleep or catalepsy.
You can tell a lot about a person simply by observing their brainwave patterns. For example, anxious people tend to produce an abundance of high Beta waves, while people with ADHD tend to produce an abundance of slower Alpha/Theta brainwaves.
Researchers have found that the brainwaves are not only a representation of mental state, but they can be stimulated to change a person's mental state.
The science of brain waves, combined with spirituality is already yielding interesting new products such as binaural beat technology to bring the listener's brain to a particular brain wave state.
Because of the incredibile power of the Theta brain wave to access the subconscious, Brainwave Entrainment is a sophisticated technology for learning to cultivate the Theta brain wave and using it to shift your mindset to a desireable state.
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