Let’s take a look at your brain wave frequencies and how they affect the state of mind. Each frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz) and has its own set of characteristics. Each of these waves represent a specific level of brain activity and a unique state of consciousness.
Let’s begin with Beta. Its range is 14-40Hz and is the wave of your wide awake state.
Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and an increased state of alert, logic and critical reasoning.
Beta brain waves are essential for your effective functioning throughout the day, but they can also translate into a stressful, restless and anxious mind.
Imagine Beta as that annoying little inner critic that gets louder and louder. Once it gets lounder, it means that your brain waves are high into above mentioned range and that stress is just around the corner or it has already arrived.
The majority of adults operate at Beta, this is why stress is the most common problem these days.
Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and an increased state of alert, logic and critical reasoning.
Beta brain waves are essential for your effective functioning throughout the day, but they can also translate into a stressful, restless and anxious mind.
Imagine Beta as that annoying little inner critic that gets louder and louder. Once it gets lounder, it means that your brain waves are high into above mentioned range and that stress is just around the corner or it has already arrived.
The majority of adults operate at Beta, this is why stress is the most common problem these days.