Wednesday, 21 August 2013

About binaural beats

As promised, in this post we will describe what binaural beats are, how they work and how can they improve your life.

When two different tones of specific frequencies are played through headphones, the brain can become confused and produce its own, imagined tone - a 3D audio hallucination heard only within the head of the listener. The frequencies that produce this phenomenon are known as Binaural Beats.
For example, if a frequency of 100 Hz is played in one ear and a frequency of 110 Hz is played in the other ear, the result is a binaural beat of 10 Hz, created by the brain.
What is actually happening is that the brain is not used to hearing frequencies in each ear so close together and with such intensity as these sounds do not occur in nature and there is no mechanism in our brains to understand them. Instead, the superior olivary nucleus, the area of the brain which controls aspects of 3D sound perception, bridges the difference between the varying frequencies in Binaural Beats with a common 'third tone' in an attempt to normalize this audio into something we can understand.
What is really weird is tat each person hears the third tone differently. It was proved that people with Parkinson's disease can't hear it at all, while women will hear different tones as they move through their menstrual cycle.

Binaural Beats were discovered in 1839 by Prussina physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove but didn't get much public interest until late 20th century. In early 1970s, scientist Gerald Oster postulated that the brain wasn't solely affected by Binaural Beats. He tested his theory and found he was right and that the neurological system as well as other parts of the body responded to the frequencies.
Since Oster's discovery, Binaural Beats have been used to cure almost everything from impotence to bulimia. Binaural Beats have been clinically shown to physically affect the listener's brain and body, even triggering the pituitary gralnd to flood the body with good-feeling hormones like dopamine.

Binaural Beat stimulation has been used in attempts to induce a variety of states of consciousness, and there has been some work done in regards to the effects of these stimuli on relaxation, focus, attention, and states of consciousness. Studies have shown that with repeated training, a reorganization of the brain occurs for the trained frequencies and is capable of asymmetric hemispheric balancing.
In other words, if the Binaural Beat frequency match the frequency of delta, theta, alpha, beta or gamma range of brainwave frequency, it will induce in the brain the required effect. For example, a Binaural Beat frequency in the range of alpha brainwave have a relaxing effect as alpha brainwaves are associated to the relaxation state.
Among other alleged uses, there are reducing learning time, treatment of addictions, some use them for lucid dreaming and even for attempting out-of-body experiences, astral projection, telepathy and psychokinesis.
Also, Binaural Beats can be used to obtain a desired state of mind, to change your focus to a desired state and, believe it or not, even to improve your finances.
But more on these topics, in the next post.

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